After a long run of success with The Bull, the Sorrentino family is making splash in the Lawrence restaurant scene after taking over, renovating, and reopening Dempsey's Burger Pub at 623 Vermont....
Despite what you may have heard from friends or family, you can still claim generous tax benefits for charitable contributions. Here are three prime examples of charitable tax breaks ripe for the ...
Cash in on summertime tax savings Summer is usually the time for relaxing, but it can also be a time for tax savings, especially if you're still reeling from an unexpectedly large tax bill in April. ...
Second Quarter Estimated Taxes Due If you have not already done so, now is the time to review your tax situation and make an estimated quarterly tax payment using Form 1040-ES. The second quarter due ...
The new tax legislation enacted late in 2017 rewrites large sections of the tax code. However, one key provision for investors has remained in place: the tax on net investment income (NII). Although ...
Landlords: Review the new 199A safe harbor rule Owners of pass-through entities (S corporations, partnerships and limited liability companies) and sole proprietors can benefit from a new deduction ...
Sail away with boating tax breaks It's well known that a home can be a valuable source of tax deductions while you own the place and a six-figure tax exclusion when you sell. But did you know you can ...
Generally, it takes nearly four decades to fully depreciate the cost of a business building. That's a long time in most people's book. But you may be able to recoup the cost of certain components ...
Are you involved in the gig economy — or the labor market made up of freelance and other temporary work — that's gaining popularity? This type of sharing economy involves individuals and groups who ...
Don't give up quickly if your path to contributing to a Roth IRA is blocked by tax law limits. Despite the obstacles, upper-income taxpayers may be able to take advantage of a backdoor Roth IRA. IRA ...